![AXF121330_Capstone_Graphic The project title with a small robot jumping](https://ateccapstonefall2021.utdallas.edu/files/2021/11/AXF121330_Capstone_Graphic.png)
Aaron Friesenhahn
About Me
Hello, I am Aaron Friesenhahn. I am an aspiring game developer interested in game design, level design, and programming. I love video games, comics, and cartoons and have been inspired by them to try my hand and creating some of my own.
Project Description
Echo is a side scrolling, platforming and action game with puzzle elements, inspired by the Mega Man series. Echo can swap their arm and legs for enemy pieces to customize their own attack and movement.
What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?
Join clubs that share your interests, make friends, and work on projects you love.
What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?
The amazing professors.