Emily Barry

About Me

Hello! My name is Emily Barry I am a 3D Generalist, a voracious reader, and I love to play board games! I love set decoration/ creating virtual environments, and can’t wait to break into the games industry!


Project Description

Mini Mansion is a 3D virtual environment in the Unity engine that shows the home of a “Scrapper”, a race of tiny people who live among the remnants left behind by the Giants. The object is to change the scale and proportion of a room to show viewers what life would be like if you were miniature.


What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

Finish your project even if you think it sucks! I mean this for school work, AND personal projects/ art. I have such a bad habit of abandoning something the instant I start feeling bad about it. Try to push through to finish it even if you don’t think it is your best work.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I have my own apartment, too many cats and I am working at a large game studio!