Sofia Diaz Martinez
About Me
Hello! My name is Sofia Diaz. I am a designer with aspirations to create simple designs that are aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. As a collaborative worker, I enjoy learning from others and hearing different thought processes. I am interested in user interface design, creating interfaces that are efficient and creative for everyone to use. When I’m not designing, I enjoy bullet journaling, watching movies, playing with my dogs, and reading novels.
Project Description
Homemade Vegan is an app that aims to provide vegans with recipes and other tools to make their life easier when preparing their meals.
What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?
After graduation, I will miss being able to hang out with friends at the Plinth, have creative space to experiment and learn from mistakes, and also the amazing ATEC professors who have guided us to be better students and better creative thinkers.
What’s on your music playlist?
My music playlist consists of anything from country, kpop, pop, and Bruno Mars.