Emma Delight

About Me

Hello! I am Emma Delight. I’m coder and graphic designer from San Antonio, Texas. I pride myself a lot on being kind. It’s a simple thing but often has me challenging my first instincts and taking extra steps to consider how other people feel and will react to my actions. As such a lot my aspirations are with people. I want to work in project management or another very people oriented field and have chances to grow and challenge myself through my interactions with other. Care and efficiency are my top values and I try to bring them to every project I work on.


Project Description

Stars are as old as time but each of us lives a life all our own under their beauty. The stars have been guiding lights, the greatest storytellers, or even just a pinnacle of being alive and existing.  The pressure of being something can be hard but it’s okay to sometimes just stare at the sky.

Explore multiple branching paths and find one of the twenty endings is this short text-based adventure.


What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

It’s okay to get help. Working in design and art is very frustrating and leads to a lot dead ends. There is nothing wrong with getting help and finding ways to start again on a problem with a new viewpoint or new resources. Art doesn’t have to be solitary and it shouldn’t be. At ATEC, for sure, you should never have to feel alone.


What’s your favorite memory of ATEC?

You know, it had to be the first time I saw my art on display. It felt really nice to be a part of something and have my work be shown to other people. I think I didn’t really cared about publishing my work before that point. It was cool but I never quite understood it’s value. When I had the chance to display my work, it made me appreciate all the work and time that goes into making a project public.