Kelsi Tresko
About Me
Hello, my name is Kelsi or Kelsiplays. I am a Dallas based content creator who has a passion for creating content, production, and gaming. I stream video games online for the Alienware Hive and Team Kitty. As a girl gamer, I can understand the hardships of being a woman in a space made for men, in creating Nerdygirl Network I wanted to create a safe space for women within the gaming industry. When I am not creating content, you can find me at your local convention, playing video games, or cosplaying your favorite characters.
Project Description
Nerdygirl Network is a series created to showcase the feminist perspective in gaming, pop culture, and all things nerdy. Each episode offers a visual representation and analysis of how misogynistic ideas have impacted women in gaming as well as reclaiming justice for marginalized groups on and offline.
What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?
As a first generation college student, I will miss it all. From the professors who shaped me, the friends that made me smile, the campus that made my heart warm, and the students/faculty who kept it alive.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I would love to be financially secure, taking care of my mother. I also hope in 10 years I am either partnered on Twitch, famous on the internet, or maybe in Hollywood? Voice acting? Behind the scenes of a Star Wars set?