Melanie Mounthachak
About Me
Hello! My name is Melanie Mounthachak. I’m studying Arts and Technology, with a concentration of Design and Production at UTD. I’m originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and moved to Dallas, Texas to start my education to become a UX Designer. The ability to find what sparks people’s interest and understanding the user’s needs is what drives me to become a UX Designer. It also helps that I have the freedom to be creative, work with great people, and see my designs come to life. Other than designing, I love to build Legos! I have a huge collection of Lego modular buildings, which are architectural representations of modern day structures.
Project Description
I am creating a website that offers content creators an opportunity to showcase their work online. Users can focus on displaying their digital portfolios via profiles and share with a community of artists.
What are you most looking forward to after the pandemic?
Meeting and collaborating with new people! I think I’ve lost touch with my social skills, and want to regain that aspect back in my life. I would love to start working with people in person, and build personal connections again.
What’s something that is always on your work desk?
Pens and markers of all different colors, along with notepads and sticky notes. I always have them near me because I tend to forget easily, so if I need to write something down, I can grab any of my notepads and assorted pens/markers to take notes. I have sticky notes plastered all over my wall and monitor!