Shaun Earhart

About Me

Hi. Hello, my name is Shaun. I’m a photographer and digital media creator from Rowlett, Texas. When I’m not inside editing I’m out exploring and shooting film and digital photos. I enjoy creating content and in my work I strive to present places, scenes, and perspectives that are not often seen. Most of my past work has been solo, but I look forward to collaborating on video and photo projects with more local artist in the future. Post graduation I plan to teach part time while I develop my photography business in preparation to move, in my free time I am excited to create more small game projects in Unreal Engine.


Project Description

Tresgord is a game level set in the small medieval city of Tresgord. The player is a knight who is reporting back to his lord’s keep after a three-month trip to the capital city. He arrives at the castle gates to find the town similar to when he left except everyone is missing. Explore the city and try to uncover what’s going on.


What are you most looking forward to after the pandemic?

Travel restrictions lifting to open up more opportunities to go teach English abroad. I am hoping to teach in Japan first and use my time there to explore the countries history and heritage sites. And going to the movies.


What’s something that is always on your work desk?

There is always a notepad on my desk. I use digital tools, but for me having a blank page to turn to is invaluable when ideas pop up.