Zian Jiang

About Me

Hello! My name is Zian. I’m a web designer/developer, graphic designer. I was originally a business student, and I transferred to ATEC because I like design and making websites. I then self-taught web development with my free time and I’m proud to call myself a web-developer. Outside of school, I like having road trips. One of my favorite places to go is LA, I have driven there 5 times by myself.


Project Description

Overpackaging isn’t just a problem for the environment, but it also adding more costs for the merchandise. While the packaging company adding layers after layers of wrapping paper to the product, why not take a step back and design it a different way?


What is one piece of advice you would provide to new ATEC students?

Don’t think it’s a easy major and plz don’t procrastinate on any of the classes because they’re all heavy project based.


What will you miss most about UTD after graduation?

Everything about ATEC